Work Permits - Work Experience Class
As a high school student, you are allowed to hold a job outside of school, but you must obtain a work permit from your school site if you are under 18.
Applications for a work permit can be found in the front office or in the Work Experience Office in A building. The application can also be found in the link below.
Work Permit Application Approval
- You must turn in the original application that has been filled out by yourself, your parent/ guardian, and your employer. Digital or faxed applications will not be accepted.
- You must have the accurate address of the job site and your social security number on the application for it to be approved.
- Your place of employment must meet the California Labor Law guidelines; if the workplace does not meet the guidelines a work permit will not be issued.
- Please allow 2 school days for the application to be processed. Once processed, you may pick up your work permit at the front office or Work Experience Office to give to your employer.
Hours Minors are Allowed to Work:
Ages 16-17: School in session 4 hours max per day M-TH 6 hours Fri 8 hours Sat & Sun, or non-school day 28 total hours per week
Enrolled in Work Experience Education Class 6 hours per day M-F 8 hours Sat & Sun, non-school day 36 total hours per week |
Ages 14-15: School in session 3 hours max per day M-F 8 hours Sat & Sun, or non-school day 18 total hours per week
Enrolled in Work Experience Education Class 3 hours max per day M-F 8 hours Sat & Sun, non-school day 28 total hours per week |
If you are 18, you are no longer required to get a work permit unless you are enrolled in Work Experience Education.
You must renew your Work Permit every year until you are 18. Students who had Work Permits during last school year and this summer, must also renew their permits, as all Work Permits expire on August 8, 2021.
Alta Loma High School will accept work permit applications Monday-Friday from 7:30 to 3:30.
Work Experience is a class that allows you to earn credits for having a job! It is a variable credit class. Credits are earned based on class attendance, completion of required assignments, and the hours you work. You are required to turn in your paystubs for verification of the hours you have worked.
- You get an upgraded permit that allows you to work more hours per week (see the table above).
- Class only meets physically once a week, so depending on your schedule you may be able to leave school early or come later so you can work more!!!
- You earn elective credits towards graduation for working, pretty cool!
If you would like to enroll in the WEE class, please make sure you see your guidance counselor and have a job!
Please email the Work Experience Coordinator if you have any questions. [email protected]