Mascot Update, 2025

Dear Students, Staff, and Parents/Guardians of the ALHS Community, 

I am excited to share that we have officially begun the process of selecting a new mascot for ALHS! From January 7th through January 30th, we invite you to submit your ideas using the nomination link below. After collecting all nominations, our mascot committee will carefully review the submissions and narrow the choices down to a list of 15 top contenders. We will then give students and staff the opportunity to vote for their favorite mascot, which we will proudly adopt starting in the 2025-2026 school year. 

I encourage each and every one of you—students, staff, and families—to be a part of this important decision by nominating a mascot that reflects the spirit, energy, and values of the ALHS community. Your input is essential to ensuring that our new mascot resonates with our shared pride and enthusiasm. Thank you in advance for your participation, and please click on the link below to nominate your idea. Go ALHS! 



Principal Kaylor