Finals Week Schedule

To:         All ALHS Staff

From:    Elizabeth Skiles, AP of Instruction                                    

Date:     November 1, 2023

RE:       1st Semester Final Exams



In an effort to have finals week run smoothly, your assistance is requested as follows:


  1. Students should attend every one of their finals. Please do not tell students they do not need to attend “because it will not make a difference in their grade.”


  1. Please be visible in the halls and at your door 5 minutes prior to the start of each period directing students to class.


  1. Please do not release students early, and please keep passes to a minimum.


  1. Plan activities to keep students occupied for the entire period. Remember, options during finals include a traditional final exam, project-based learning, presentations, or instruction.  Please see me if you have questions regarding this.


  1. Encourage students to discard unwanted papers or materials before they leave the classroom. This will help reduce trash on campus.



Tuesday, December 19  

Wednesday, December 20

Thursday, December 21

Period 0       

7:20 – 8:23

Period 0       

7:20 – 8:23

Period 0       

7:20 – 8:23

Period 1       

8:30 - 10:30

Period 2       

8:30 - 10:30

Period 4       

8:30 - 10:30


10:30 - 10:43


10:30 - 10:43


10:30 - 10:43

Period 5       

10:50 - 12:50

Period 6 

10:50 - 12:50

Period 7    

10:50 - 12:50


**December 22nd – Non-student Day**